Zoom In: Zamboanga City (Ced Zabala)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


My memory of early waking hours in my barrio is one of intermingling sounds and singsong voices filling the cool morning air. I hanker for such mornings when I awake and linger on in bed with eyes shut, ears opening to hear, and mind slowly becoming aware of the sheer variety of sounds occurring around me all at once or at random intervals.

First on my list are sounds caused by transports. We live in a barrio to the west coast of town and our house lies some fifty meters to the highway from where I can hear traffic sounds at the break of dawn. I imagine jeepneys with their load of vendors and cargoes of fresh farm produce on their way to the town’s public market. Further across the highway is the sea from where echoes the horn blasts of approaching ships as they make their way to the pier in the wee hours of the morning. And at daybreak comes the whirring sound of engines overhead as two or three airplanes arrive in succession, flying just high above the rooftops, ready for touchdown on the airport next to our barrio. Although this type of ambient sounds, never cause me enough disturbance, they come closest to my idea of noise.

Next are sounds that originate from our barrio’s religious milieu. Our barrio is home to peoples of different faiths and persuasions notably Muslims, Catholics and Protestants. It is not unusual to be awakened from your slumber by the early morning worship practices of these groups. These sounds are more welcomed to usher in the day.

Our house is just a stone’s throw away from a mosque so the Muslim’s dawn prayer, recited over a sound system, is familiar enough sound for me to recognize even when my mind is still fuzzy. Our house is also within sound of the Catholic Chapel bells. Sounds from their spiritual rituals are infrequently heard especially at dawn because there’s no resident vicar. On special occasions though, they are the most resonant. On the day of the barrio fiesta, I wake up with a jolt to hear the sound of trumpets blowing, cymbals clashing, snare drums rolling and bass booming as a phalanx of musicians march around the village at the crack of dawn. On certain occasions I am roused from my sleep by religious melodies from a procession or rosary prayed from speakers atop a jeep doing the rounds of the village. The Protestant Chapel is farther off from our house so only the muffled tone of their morning worship service with its characteristic organ playing and hymn singing is heard.   

Last in my category are other sounds occurring during waking hours. There is a military camp on the hilly side of our barrio opposite the waterfront so it is not unusual to hear the regimental bugle call at sunrise. I think it is pretty neat. Sometimes I am stirred from my sleep by dog barks but that is not a dawn phenomenon, they occur when incited by what dogs hear or see. However, rooster crows are. In a country where cockfighting is a major sport, most households have gamecocks under their care. This is true in my barrio and I wake up every morning to the roosters crowing at dawn. The twitters of yellow-breasted hummingbirds in the garden lend a glorious accompaniment to the chorus. I like the sounds of bird chirps and rooster crows but dog barks are annoying. Up with the lark or up with the bark, I love listening to the sounds of dawn.

Understanding Personal Finance

The Ateneo de Zamboanga University (AdZU) in partnership with The Phoinix Consulting Corporation is inviting everyone to attend a half-day training on Understanding Personal Finance.

The seminar will be on Friday, June 1, 2012 1:30-5:00 PM for company sponsored attendees and on Saturday, June 2, 2012 1:30-5:00 PM for individuals at the Carlos Dominguez Conference Hall, AdZU.

Registration fee is P500 per person and the proceeds is for the Sacred Heart Chapel Renovation. For more details please contact Jerrick Go at 0917-3018006.

Friday, May 25, 2012


There is no other flower so closely related to Zamboanga than the ubiquitous bougainvillea. My contention is this – it is the bougainvillea that gave Zamboanga its famed stature as the “City of Flowers,” justified or not. For sure, there are many other cities in the country that can claim that title. Who can deny Baguio’s flower prominence long before it decided to showcase it in floral float parades during its annual flower festival? Who can rival Davao’s flower power when it comes to orchids? If quality and variety are to be the standards, where will Zamboanga land? Neither for flower quality or variety but for the lovely, lowly bougainvillea of Zamboanga, that many are willing to part with the title “City of Flowers.”

As far back as I can recall, bougainvillea have adorned the homes and gardens of the Zamboanguenos. They can be seen along highways and by-ways of the city and in its public parks and gardens. And what a spectacular sight they make in their myriad of colors and profusion of blooms. So fabulous in display that it is hard to remove from one’s mind the image of a flower-laden city.

I cannot forget how as a boy living in the barrio, I watched foreign tourists stop their cars, get off and take photos of a nipa-hut, just along the road, that was almost covered with bougainvillea. Sometimes, they turn to face the other side of the road, aim and zoom their lenses to the corridor of our two-storey wooden house, standing alone and far off the road, but also bedecked with vibrant potted bougainvillea.

The woman of the hut, I remember, didn’t have elaborate garden rituals but to sweep her yard briskly with an escoba tingting (a broom of bundled coconut sticks) until  the bare ground turns like hardened concrete and to splash her plants with a pail of water. Yet her garden is incomparable and picture-postcard in beauty.

Sadly, that little hut with bougainvillea bursting in the garden is already a thing of the past, pushed behind commercial stalls that now line the side of the road. Sceneries like this are fast becoming a rarity. How much less lively and colorful mi pueblo can be without them? Let’s bring back the bougainvillea!

Bougainvillea, they say is of Brazilian origin. (Another latin connection?) They love the sun and like warm tropical climate that’s why they grow well here. These flowering vines are among the most popular and most beautiful tropical plants. They are hardy, vigorous, evergreen, woody with spines. They grow readily from cuttings and grow best under stress. To a great extend, they are pretty much like the Zamboangueno in character. So, hola bougainvillea, claim your rightful place!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Padre Nuestro

I don’t remember ever trying to put to memory “Padre Nuestro” - the Spanish “Our Father” or oftentimes called the ”Lord’s Prayer.” But ask me to recite it and it would be like second nature to me. Not that I have any special language ability. I can’t even repeat from memory any other prose in Spanish save perhaps “Ave Maria” and a spluttering of Rizal’s “Mi Ultimo Adios,” which I spent agonizing days memorizing to make it through mandatory Spanish class in college. Spanish, these days though, is no longer compulsory education.

Now, where does my uncanny ability come from? I guess it comes from having heard the prayer oft repeatedly in childhood from saying grace, the Angelus, the rosary, novenas, and from processions, Holy Week cantatas, and almost every form of religious worship including funeral wakes.

Those were the days when prayers were said in Spanish. Those were the days when mi Abuela (my grandma) was still around. With her demise however, I noticed Spanish prayers were being said less and less, like she must have taken them with her to the grave. English prayers became the norm.

Not too long ago, I heard about the translation and publication of the Bible in Chavacano and maybe together with that, some of the well known prayers too. So much so that the “Padre Nuestro,” once akin to Chavacano would become passe.

Aside from Zamboanga, other Chavacano speaking towns in the country, I learned, have their own version of the “Padre Nuestro.” I just don’t know how and when they sprung into usage. Here are the translations:


Tata de amon talli na cielo, bendito el de Uste nombre. Manda vene con el de Uste reino; hace el de Uste voluntad aqui na tierra, igual como alli na cielo. Dale kanamon el pan para cada dia. Perdona el de amon maga culpa, como ta perdona kame con aquellos quien tiene culpa kanamon. No deja que hay cae kame na tentacion y libra kanamon na mal.


Niso Tata Qui tu na cielo, quida santificao Tu nombre. Manda vini con niso Tu reino; sigui el qui quiere Tu aqui na tierra, igual como na cielo. Dali con niso ahora, niso comida para todo el dia. Perdona el mga culpa di niso, si que laya ta perdona niso con aquel mga qui tiene culpa con niso. No dija qui cai niso na tentacion, pero salva con niso na malo.


Padri di mijotro ta alli na cielo, quida alabao Bo nombre. Lleva con mijotro Bo trono; vini con mijotro Bo reino; sigui cosa qui Bo manda aqui na tiehra parejo alli na cielo. Dali con mijotro esti dia el cumida di mijotro para cada dia. Perdona quel mga culpa ya haci mijotro con Bo, como ta perdona mijotro quel mga culpa ya haci el mga otro genti con mijotro. No dija qui cai mijotro na tintacion, sino haci libra con mijotro na malo.

There you go folks, which sounds more Spanish? Be the judge!


Padre nuestro, que estas en el cielo, sanctificado sea tu nombre; venga a nosotros tu reino; hagase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada dia; perdona nuestras ofensas, como tambien nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden; no nos dejes caer en la tentacion, y libranos del mal. Amen.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


By way of an invitation, here is a derivative version of a Department of Tourism flyer that encapsulates the essence of Zamboanga:

Welcome to Zamboanga Hermosa!
. . . the gateway to Muslimland, Southeast Asia, Southwest Pacific, and the Fareast;
. . . where the native inhabitants, bear Chinese-Malayan features but answer to American-Spanish names;
. . . where the people are traditionally warm, hospitable, and friendly, living in peace and at peace with one another notwithstanding differences in race, creed or political beliefs;
. . . where sun-drenched white and pink, tan and gray, pebbly and sandy beaches and native fishing villages dot the coastline;
. . . where the sun rises in splendor early at dawn and slowly recedes at evening fall like a ball of fire in waves of gold and crimson and purple, behind billows of gray and foamy white clouds;
. . . premier city of flowers, fruits, fish, femmes and of faith.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Celso unveils P1.8M MP center in Boalan

Mayor Celso Lobregat and Vice Mayor Cesar Iturralde spearhead the ribbon-cutting ceremony during the inauguration of the P1.8 million rehabilitated Boalan multi-purpose center, the first floor of which will house the Center for the Elderly. JOEY BAUTISTA

Mayor Celso Lobregat together with Vice Mayor Cesar Iturralde and some city councilors inaugurated yesterday the newly rehabilitated multi-purpose center amounting to P1,839,980.00 in Boalan, east of this city.

Lobregat said the two-storey multi-purpose center will be used by the senior citizens for socialization and other activities at the ground, while the second floor will be used by youth-related activities.  

The multi-purpose center was part of the nine various infrastructure projects costing P6.9 million that the city government had implemented in Boalan in 2011. Other projects included irrigation structures, drainage systems, footbridges and multi-purpose pavements.

For this year, the barangay’s basketball court in the amount of P397,196.45 is under construction, construction of a drainage system worth P800,000 and slope protection amounting to P1 million are scheduled for implementation. Two other projects, repair of school building and road concreting, costing P2.7 million have been submitted to the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC).

Records show that the city government under Lobregat’s administration had already implemented and completed P28.5 million worth of various infrastructure projects in Boalan since 2007, broken down as follow: P1.6 million in 2007; P843,386.03 in 2008; P8.9 million in 2009; P5.5 million in 2010; and P6.9 in 2011.
Present during the inauguration were Councilors Lilia Nuño, Nonong Guingona, Percival Ramos, Mike Alavar and Eddie Saavedra together with City Engineer Luis Vicente Despalo, City Social Welfare and Development Officer Francisco Barredo and Lobregat’s brother, Jomar.-(Vic Larato)

Robredo: Financial management is call of LGU leadership

DILG Secretary Jessie Robredo answers questions fielded by members of the Zamboanga media during a press conference at a local hotel in Gov. Camins Monday afternoon. JOEY BAUTISTA

Local Government Secretary Jessie Robredo in a press conference Monday said managing finances of local government units is the call of the LGU leadership and hinted that it is his personal view that buffer funds should be kept in the bank for unforeseen events.

Secretary Robredo emphasized this in answer to a question concerning the city government’s deposits in the bank, which is a subject of criticism from administration critics.

“Palagay ko po ang finances ng isang LGU must be determined and dictated by the LGU leadership”, the secretary said stressing “kung ano yong pananaw ng pamunuan sa bagay na ito, nasa kanya na yon”.

Secretary cited two examples of managing styles, one is the conservative point of view on managing finances where the LGU leadership will properly program the funds for projects and deposit funds in the bank to avoid deficits at the end of the year; the other is the frivolous spending of the funds as they come in and later suffer from deficits due to delayed Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) and shortfall in local collections.

“Noong ako po’y mayor don sa amin probably this is more personal than my position sa DILG, palagi ho akong may buffer na pera sa bangko, kasi nga ho hindi malaman na  may kalamidad, sabi nga nila mas mabuti na yong mayron kang natabi kaysa hihiram ka dahil nagkulang”, Sec. Robredo, who was former mayor of Naga City said.

According to Robredo, at present there are LGUs borrowing money to pay for maintenance and other operating expenses or MOOE due to shortfall in local collection. “And you should not borrow for MOOE, you should only borrow for capital outlay. Kaya kung ang tanong, mayron bang tamang pananaw sa bagay na ito, palagay ko depende kung sino at kung ano yong pananaw ng pamunuan.”

Due to fiscal management, the city government under the leadership of Mayor Celso Lobregat has been able to implement millions worth of projects and other programs without borrowing a single centavo from any financial institution and still have sizeable finances all appropriated for projects deposited in the bank.

Mayor Lobregat, who was present during the press conference, reiterated that the money that is in the bank is earmarked for projects, one of which is the sanitary landfill system, the integrated bus terminal and numerous others.

“MY question really is where would  you want that money to be—in the bank or in the pocket of the mayor?”, he asked. “I personally do not believe in borrowing money and leaving the next mayor with debts to pay and that is normally the accusation of many mayors when they leave office, the city is bankrupt, at least when I finish my third term, the next mayor is assured that he does not have to pay a single centavo to any financial institution”.

He stressed that the city government has many projects. In his first term in office, Lobregat fixed the city’s finances and implementation of projects started in the second term. “I said so much has been done, so much more has been done –last year i said the best is yet to come—the best is already here and more is coming”.

Secretary Robredo stopped over Zamboanga Monday afternoon, after leading the groundbreaking rites for various projects in Al Barka, Basilan. (Sheila Covarrubias)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Na Mi Pueblo

Welcome to my hometown – Zamboanga, a place born surrounded by the natural beauty of the shores of the Sulu Sea, the Moro Gulf and the Celebes Sea; a place rich in history, culture and heritage; a place that is mythical, enchanting and beguiling; a place unlike any other in my homeland – Philippines.

Zamboanga, today, is a bustling metropolitan city, the center of trade and commerce, government and finance, transportation and communication in Western Mindanao. It is home to an international airport, a huge seaport and an economic freeport. It is known as the “Sardines Capital of the Philippines” because of the many sardines canning factories situated here. Its primary exports are marine and aquaculture products. Its unique beaches and moderate climate are great natural attractions.

Of course, there is more to Zamboanga than these. The moment you hear the local dialect, watch the mixed-race of peoples, or walk past the local points of interest, you will feel you are in a place somewhat frozen in time. It takes you as far back in the 13th and 14th centuries, when the city was already a vibrant trading hub for Chinese and Malay seafarers, emblazoned in the resplendent colors of its vinta sails fluttering off it shores.

Nowhere is Spain’s three-century reign of the country more pronounced than in Zamboanga. The lilting sound of its native tongue, Chavacano, a delightful mix of 60% Español and 40% various local dialects, takes you to as far back in 1593 when the Castilian flag first loomed in the horizon off Caldera Bay, now Recodo and heralded a significant period in the city’s history.

Fort Pilar transports you to 1635 when it was originally built as a military base and the site on which the Spanish founded the city. In time it became the Shrine of Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Zaragosa, replete with stories of miraculous events attributed to the Lady of the Pillar that are now part of local legends and folklore. Today, the fortress houses a museum and is the best monument of the city’s Spanish heritage.

The Zamboanga City Hall sends you back to the period 1898-1935, the time of the United States administration of the city. A lone marker on Yellow Beach takes you to the landing site of the American liberation forces in 1945 following its brief occupation by the Japanese during World War II 1939-1945.

Moslem mosques with their golden minarets and villages perched on stilts over the coastal waters, stand their ground as centuries-old indelible Islamic imprints side by side Spanish and American influences.

Zamboanga became a chartered city on October 12, 1936 and included the island of Basilan which separated in 1948, and was then the largest city in the world in land area. The city annually commemorates this date as Fiesta Pilar with a weeklong celebration dubbed as the Zamboanga Hermosa Festival.

Zamboanga took its name from the Malay word jambangan, which means place of flowers in reference to the orchids and other exotic plant life proliferating in the area. Once known as the “City of Flowers” for the beauty and profusion of its blooms, it was also known as the “Place of Beautiful Women” on account of its bellas dalagas endowed with a mix-blend of Asian, European and American features.

In 2006 Zamboanga was given its newest moniker “Asia’s Latin City” anchored on its being the only city in Asia that speaks predominantly Creole Spanish. A creole language is one that emerged or descended out of cross-cultural contact. It is called "Friendship City" as well, because much the same Latin ardor is in the engaging smile and manner of its people whose vaunted cariño welcomes visitors with "Quetal?" and endearingly calls them "amigos y amigas" when they leave.

Regarded as the “Melting Pot of Southerrn Philippines,” Zamboanga’s rich past would weave a culture so ethnically diverse from which it draws so much of its mystique, romance and allure. Take a peek at, keep in touch with, and virtually experience every bit of Zamboanga within these pages. Vamos na mi pueblo, the “Philippines’ Little Spain” and so much more.